Monday, January 31, 2011

The Vampire Diaries Spoilers Michael Trevino and Kat Graham Tease What's To Come

Katerina Graham of "The Vampire Diaries" recently spoiled to the NY Post about what's next in season 2 for her character Bonnie. She teases a 'ruthless' ending to their already phenomenal story.
PopWrap: "The Vampire Diaries" has been off the air for over a month, which is cruel -- make it up to the fans and work them into a big lather describing the upcoming episodes!
Kat Graham: Every script is unreal. It keeps getting crazier and crazier. I can’t even prepare you for what’s going down on the show. The best way I can describe this season is with the word, ruthless.

PW: But Luca is hiding a lot from Bonnie. Will we have to wait long until that comes to light for her?
Kat: When Elena finds out about something, Bonnie finds out about something – and vice versa. Their relationship has become so open and honest that they’re all about protecting one another. So Bonnie will find out very soon and it’s going to get really messy. There’s no clean way to go about this.
Read the full interview over at NYPost.

Michael Trevino spoils some major dish about the sun and moon curse. He teases Tyler's struggle with who to align himself with; the vampires or the other werewolves.
Now here’s where things could get seriously interesting: Tyler doesn’t yet know about the ancient Aztec curse that limits the powers of vampire and werewolves, that it’s what keeps (most) vampires from walking in the sun and the wolves’ transformations tied to the full moon. He also doesn’t know that if a wolf breaks the curse before a vampire (cough, Klaus) does, wolves won’t be forced to change every full moon. They could choose to change whenever they want to – or never again. “Once he learns that bit of information, I think he’s gonna fight to find a way to break that curse,” Trevino says. Sounds like the actor may have good instincts: “I don’t think that spoils too much to say that yes, that becomes very appealing to him,” exec producer Kevin Williamson says. “He does not want to go through that [transformation] again.” Two more things to remember: Regardless of whether you’re a vamp or a werewolf, the ritual must still be performed — which means Elena (Nina Dobrev) would still need to be sacrificed, and once a vampire or werewolf breaks the curse, the other creature is eternally screwed. So if a vampire breaks the curse first so all bloodsuckers can walk in the sun (and not just the Originals or those with witch friends), wolves will forever transform on the full moon. If a wolf breaks the curse first, the vamps stay in the dark. I’m always wrong when I try to guess what will happen on this show. These “spoilers” have just been what fans would logically expect Tyler to be thinking — it’s the twists that Williamson and fellow EP Julie Plec throw in that we can’t predict. But why don’t you try anyway… How do you think the werewolf-vampire confrontation will play out for Tyler? Will he actually try to break the curse if Elena’s blood is needed?
Read the full interview over at Popwatch.

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