If Trevino's performance in this episode is half as good as his recent work, I'm sure it's going to be quite a ride. Tyler isn't exactly a talker, but Trevino manages to make even his quietest scenes powerful and often painful. (Who didn't feel for Tyler when he realized he'd killed is friend Sarah? If you didn't get choked up, I'm concerned for you.)
The transformation will be directed by Marcos Siega, who directed 10 episodes of Season 1 and acted as supervising producer before leaving the show to work on other projects and spend time with his growing family in Los Angeles. Siega is beloved by fans, cast, and crew, so everyone is thrilled to have him back for this landmark episode.

So what does big sister Elena think about her brother's crush on her BFF? MTV spoke to Nina Dobrev on her recent whirlwind NYC press trip -- and she says that right now, Elena is too distracted to notice the sparks!
"I think that Elena is so stuck in save the world, save my brother, save my friends and try to save myself and try-to-be-normal-at-the-same-time mode, that she's kind of oblivious to everything else that's going on around her," Dobrev says. "It'll be interesting to see once she comes back to normalcy."
Photo Credit: @KatGraham
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